Facebook Ads We Found 1 Error Please Fix the Error and Try Again

Facebook Audience Size NOT Bachelor (-1)

UPDATE (April 27, 2019): It looks like Facebook plant a solution for the problem and audience estimates are available over again.

UPDATE 2: This Marketing State commodity has interesting details nigh the cause of the trouble. A research squad from Northeastern Academy found an exploit in which information technology could infer attributes of an individual included in an uploaded Custom Audience list of emails, addresses or other personally identifiable information (PII) using the estimated reach reporting available in the advertising interface:

"It turns out there is a rounding threshold in those estimates. Once that's identified, an advertiser could potentially upload a list of emails right on the rounding threshold, for example, and so add 1 e-mail (or "victim") to the list. If the reach estimates change when a targeting attribute is selected, the advertiser can infer that person has that attribute. And vice versa, if information technology doesn't modify, then it can exist inferred the person does not have that attribute."

The research squad alerted Facebook about the effect and was rewarded through the bug bounty program.

If you lot used your Facebook Ads account recently, you might accept noticed some very strange things. Don't worry, in that location is zilch wrong with your ads, or with your pixel, information technology'southward just a technical problem that Facebook is having.

Apparently, information technology started on December 22, and Facebook is withal looking for a proper gear up when this commodity has been published.

We've been in contact with Facebook Support, and that'south what we know so far.

Estimate for your audiences are unavailable

When you create an advertizement targeting your existing Custom Audiences, you might run across a message saying that estimates are not available.

Custom Audiences Size Not Available or -i

It possible that you won't see the size of the audience anymore, regardless the fact that they are ready.

When this happens

This can affect several types of audiences:

  • Website and mobile app Custom Audiences if using advanced matching
  • Custom Audiences from a customer file
  • Offline conversions Custom Audiences

Website or mobile app Custom Audiences that practise not include client information and engagement Custom Audiences are unaffected by this update.

What happens with your ads?

Everything will work fine, and ads delivery and reporting will remain unaffected by this change.

You will still be able to create Custom Audiences, as well as ads using any type of Custom Audiences on Facebook. It's only the reach estimate that's missing.

What if you're a PixelYourSite user?

If y'all apply PixelYourSite Pro, chances are that you'll be affected by this bug. Nosotros do send Advanced Matching data everytime we can (for logged in users, or for the Buy event, after a transaction), so it's possible that your Custom Audiences will brandish size "Non available" for at present.

Nothing to worry though, since everything else works fine.

When volition be stock-still?

According to Facebook, they are currently investigating solutions to restore these reach estimates in their interfaces.

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49 Responses

  1. Hey Christian is in that location any update from Facebook regarding this error? I've spoken to iii different back up agents, and each one has diddled me off saying they have 'escalated my enquiry to the appropriate team'.

    I don't actually trust launching any new campaigns until its fixed then if you hear anything delight let usa know 🙂

    1. All I can say is that new and old campaigns are working fine, I can't see any errors whatever. As for when they'll fix information technology, we but have to wait and encounter.

  2. How-do-you-do Christian, thank you lot for this. I am new to PixelYourSite, I installed on December 23rd or 24th. At that time, within my Business organization Manager, I created new pixels to apply with PYS, removing the main pixel I had. Suddenly I noticed my audition counts as "Unavailable."

    Until this article, I idea the "unavailable" was a event of incorrect setup in PYS…but at present it seem like bad timing.

    However, I take noticed one strange thing. These "unavailable" audience counts also testify a value of "-1" in some places. And when trying to utilize them with Adespresso tonight afterwards reading your article, I got this fault:
    ("Achieve estimate for your targeting configuration is not available due to Facebook policies based on Advertising Principles")
    A link directed me to https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2017/xi/our-ad-principles/

    So it seems similar the issue is related to the removal of certain types of targeting from their API etc.

    Has any of what I but mentioned also happened to you?
    Either the "-i" audience count or the "Advertizement Principles" warning?
    My targeting was merely pixeled website traffic, no special configurations other than that – so the message was foreign.
    I pushed the ads through anyway, volition know soon if they are showing to my segments.

  3. Hey Christian, just curious if this has been fixed by Facebook? I am still concerned I have something wrong in my setup and that is why I cannot see Audience Size…

    1. Information technology's all the same there, probably a more serious effect than expected. I wonder if is non related to the new EU GDPR due to accept effect starting from May 25, 2018.

  4. I feel like this is crippling to our ability to assess how to advertise. Any updates or suggestions? Has Facebook shared any boosted info with you?

    1. I know zero more, unfortunately.

  5. This upshot has been going on for over a month at present. Information technology is pretty amazing that a multibillion dollar company like FB tin can't figure out how to fix it'southward own product. I turn down to advertise when I have no idea of the audience that I am marketing to.

  6. Thanks for sharing this informative article it acquit many relevant points to resolve the given issues which i was facing, practice keep up the proficient work mate .

  7. Thank you for writing about this outcome. I meticulously gleaned my customer database and re-formatted everything to a T-to Facebook'due south rules. Seeing a -1 audition size over and over created an avalanche of work for me troubleshooting the trouble. I guess information technology did not help that this was my very first attempt at creating a Facebook custom audience. Bad timing I guess. Cheers for literally saving me hours more research time 'solving' my ain work. I agree with another writer that this is a crippling trouble for advertisers to deal with. Every day Facebook cannot solve this result is some other day of driving new ad revenue over to their main competitor Google I estimate. Many thanks once again.

  8. I take been facing the same outcome. I tried changing the targeting audience historic period and the estimated audience size appeared. I don't know what made the difference merely it works for me. I only modify the age in some small numbers. You guys should try it.

  9. Bro…I idea i was loosing my mind. Thank god this video was the outset couple hits on youtube lol
    I promise this go's fixed soon!!!! wtff FACBEOOOKKKK

  10. I'thousand adding custom audiences from a customer file. Are in that location some fields that are preventing this from giving an audition size? Like age, DOB, etc?

    1. No, there isn't. Equally far every bit I know, yous'll get the problem no matter what file format you're using.

  11. I've got the same effect but it's even more worse because I wanted to build a lookalike audience based on this custom audience. Now trying to create the lookalike audience, I get the mistake message: "(#2654) Source Audience too small: Please choose a target grouping with minimum 100 people in the same country." (This is my translation from german into english language). I actually demand to create this lookalike audience only it's non possible. Does anybody have an idea, what I could practice?

    1. I think that in reality, your Custom Audition is withal also pocket-sized. In my experience, Lookalikes are not afflicted past the problem.

  12. I desire to use the custom audience function of the merchant direction platform equally a oversupply for golf equipment. Why tin't I apply the audience analysis part of the platform to clamber? Websites with a lot of traffic like magazines prove too few audiences

  13. Im getting the #2654 mistake also when creating a look a similar from my pixel of anybody that has visited all 3 of my sites. The iii sites have had about 8k views since the pixel has been installed. I find information technology hard to believe that I dont have plenty of an audience to create a look a like…..uggghhhhhh!

    1. Can y'all fixit? I Have the same problem

  14. I'm receiving horribly inaccurate audience estimates i know are wrong. They all say <xx people bachelor every bit of the 9th of April in New Zealand. Anyone know if this original problem was ever fixed?

  15. Nosotros're still seeing this – anyone else?

    1. Aye, yet there.

  16. Hi, I'm not able to create a look alike audition when the size is not available, do you accept any idea of why it's happening? Thanks

    1. Probably your initial custom audience is non large enough.

  17. I actually hope that once this problem is solved the problem is retroactively stock-still. The worst that could happen is if all of the data collected by the pixel during this fourth dimension period is unusable and we're forced to collect data all over again..

    1. The data is perfectly usable fifty-fifty now.

  18. Hi, This Alfonso.. Exercise you think we tin can still use the custom audience fifty-fifty though it still says audience size not available.. Have you tried information technology..? Information technology is nonetheless performing accurately..?

    1. Yes, definitely

  19. i just create new custom audition from my 50k electronic mail listing today and it still unavailable..how about you?

  20. I only experienced this problem for the first time, (June 26th) even though I have seen comments indicating people have experiencing issues since January, which I never did until today.

    Afterwards searching FB's support page with no real answer, I found this site online and look through all the comments.

    Someone suggested playing effectually with the targeting and I changed my target age to offset from 25 to 24 and the audition size all of a sudden displayed for the outset time since I have been trying to resolve this for an hour…even when I changed to age back to 25, it worked!

    Hope that helps someone reading this but I become the impression that you have to keep playing round with the targeting settings in club to fix the problem:)

    1. It'southward strange to hear that and I wonder if you didn't see some sort of old cache, or something like. As far as I know, Facebook has no intention to bring back CA sizes in this instance.

  21. Play around with targeting, (especially the age) it worked for me!

  22. Hello, the wait akin audience shows size not available, I already take the latest plugin version installed. Do y'all have whatsoever idea? Thank you

  23. Hello I am having this trouble too on almost all of my account. Do you guys think there'south something we could do to get facebook to set this? The client service is awful. If I had not found this conversation I will never find out what happened. FB back up was useless and said I 100% do not accept a BUG and decline to send my problem to tech support.

  24. Hey Christian, I noticed inside PixelYourSite plugin settings, there is still a notice that custom audition sizes volition be unavailable IF y'all select to use Advanced Matching. This might imply that they will be available without Avant-garde Matching.

    Nevertheless, it was my understanding that regardless of Avant-garde Matching, Facebook will no longer show audition sizes for website visitors… east.one thousand. We might as well plow on Advanced Matching, because regardless if we utilize information technology or non, the audition size estimate will no longer be data that Facebook shares with advertisers.

    Have I understood this correctly, or take I maybe misunderstood?

    Cheers for the insight, like always! Huge fans of your products 🙂

    1. As far as I know, our notice is nevertheless correct. You can run across estimates for audiences that don't employ personal data. They program to change it, but I don't know when.

  25. I uploaded multiple list of almost 100k contacts, it shows not available and set up. Nosotros are however getting achieve on some of them, not all, of near xl-50k is our boilerplate match rate.

    Whats everyone match rate been?

  26. Having a similar issue with FB lookalike audiences lately. Most 90% of my lookalikes are getting the error :

    Audience not created – We couldn't create your lookalike audience. Please delete this audience and try creating it once again.

    These are for existing lookalikes which I've been using for the last six months. Attain inside the adset dramatically declined every bit well.

    Anyone have this issue lately?

  27. still, I'thou not able to run across the size of the custom audience. How tin I set up this outcome?

  28. I'yard also having such an error
    Thanks for the article
    how to set up the mistake

  29. Why Facebook doesn't prove custom audience size?

    1. Because I recall yous have not created however.

  30. I tried to create a lookalike audience using pixel purchase I'k getting error – Source is Too Minor: Please cull a combination of source and event that includes at to the lowest degree 100 people in the same country. (#2654).

  31. Now even i have the same problem with the Facebook audience.

  32. Amazing post, Thank you for sharing with united states of america team pixel 🙂

  33. I also had some issues before. Anyhow very informative article..

  34. I also faced the issue. I inverse the age and somehow it worked for me.

  35. Tried uploading a list of 50k emails, start names and phones, all opt in. Withal I'm getting the Estimated Audition Size as Not Available. How do I know if ads are served to my entire list?

    1. I don't recall Facebook whatsoever longer gives estimates for this type of audience, something to exercise with privacy.


Source: https://www.pixelyoursite.com/facebook-audience-size-not-available

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